3# Dieses Skript wird nur ein einziges Mal nach einem Upgrade oder der Erstinstallation ausgefuehrt:
7# shellcheck source=opennet/packages/on-core/files/usr/lib/opennet/on-helper.sh
11# add channel whitelist for 5GHz devices to /etc/config/wireless
12# info: the additional option "chanlist" is enabled by one of our patches
13# TODO: move this adjustment to a future "configure as wifi master" web interface action
14find_all_uci_sections wireless wifi-device
"band=5g" "channel=auto" |
while read -r device_uci_prefix;
15 # do not touch non-empty chanlists
16 [ -n
"$(uci_get "${device_uci_prefix}.chanlist
")" ] &&
17 # the device name could be "radio0" or similar
18 device_name=
"$device_uci_prefix" | cut -f 2 -
d .)
19 # do not touch devices without a master interface
20 ap_interfaces=
$(find_all_uci_sections wireless wifi-iface
"device=$device_name" "mode=ap")
21 [ -z
"$ap_interfaces" ] &&
22 # Use one (random) indoor channel and multiple outdoor channels. This allows a usable
23 # fallback even under bad conditions.
24 indoor_channel=
$(( 36 + 4 *
$(get_random 4) ))
25 # remove TDWR channels + bandwidth
26 uci set
"${device_uci_prefix}.chanlist=$indoor_channel 100-116 132-140"
27 oldhtmode=
28 # Fix 11ac default bandwidth
29 if [
"$oldhtmode" =
"VHT80" ]; then
30 uci set
32 uci commit
set eu on function print_services services log for dir in etc on services d var on services volatile d